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GVHS News and Announcements

District News

2025 COMMUNITY EVENTS Dates and times are subject to change. Additional events will be added as they arise. February 13th Grand Chance for Chocolate 10:00am - 4:00pm. March 1st Battlement Mesa Health Fair 8:00am - 10:00am. April 5th Grand River Health Fair 8:00am - 11:00am. May 13th Mental Health Resource Fair 11:00am - 2:00pm. June 7th- 4th annual GRH Golf Tournament 8:00am - 4:00 pm. July 10 Women's Health Resource Fair 10am -1pm. April 16th Empty Bowls 12:00pm - 2:00pm. July 10th Women’s Heal

Mark your calendars for these Grand River Health events!


¡Marque sus calendarios para estos eventos de Grand River Health!

1 Bus driver and 8 students learning about bus safety

Stay seated, stay safe! Bus safety is no joke, so buckle up and enjoy the ride. G16 schools are thankful for Donna Nichols, G16 Bus Driver, who designed a bus safety program for our students! 


¡Permanezca sentado y manténgase a salvo! La seguridad en el autobús no es ninguna broma, así que abróchese el cinturón y disfrute del viaje. ¡Las escuelas G16 están agradecidas con Donna Nichols, conductora de autobús G16, quien diseñó un programa de seguridad en el autobús para nuestros estudiantes!

Lucas Cotto with his bulldog, smiling for a picture on a road.

Meet Lucas Cotto, a senior at Grand Valley High School. L-U-C-A-S if anyone wants to chant his name. He's been part of the community for more than 7 years now; he moved from Chicago, Illinois, to Colorado. He plays football for the Cardinals and does track and field. Things Lucas loves: conversations, old people, and a good chocolate ice cream. He's the new Public Information Intern, working alongside Nicole Loschke. His goals are to help improve public information, community events, and help high schoolers be more motivated to be part of the community.


Conozcan a Lucas Cotto, un estudiante en el 12vo grado de Grand Valley High School. L-U-C-A-S, si alguien quiere corear su nombre. Forma parte de la comunidad desde hace más de 7 años; se mudó de Chicago, Illinois, a Colorado. Juega fútbol americano para los Cardinals y practica atletismo. Las cosas que le encantan a Lucas: las conversaciones, las personas mayores y un buen helado de chocolate. Él es el nuevo Interno de Información Pública, trabajando junto a Nicole Loschke. Sus metas son ayudar a mejorar la información pública, eventos comunitarios y ayudar a los estudiantes de GVHS a estar más motivados para ser parte de la comunidad.

G16 School Board Meeting. Tuesday, February 11, 2025. 5:00 pm. 0460 Stone Quarry Road, Battlement Mesa, CO 81635

G16 School Board Meeting Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 5:00 pm. St. John's Administration Building. Agenda can be found online: or


Reunión de la Junta Escolar de G16 Martes, 11 de febrero de 2025 a las 5:00 pm. Edificio de la Administración de St. John. Agenda se puede encontrar en línea: o


GVHS weekly sports schedule, for full schedule, visit

GVHS' Weekly Winter Sports Schedule! Good luck Cardinals! 

Please note, we will be charging gate fees for GVHS home games. See the graphic below for pricing and purchase presale tickets here


Horario semanal de deportes de invierno de GVHS! ¡Buena suerte cardenales! 

Por favor, tenga en cuenta, vamos a cobrar cargos de puerta para los juegos a GVHS. Consulte el gráfico siguiente para ver los precios y compra boletos en preventa aquí.

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2025 COMMUNITY EVENTS Dates and times are subject to change. Additional events will be added as they arise. February 13th Grand Chance for Chocolate 10:00am - 4:00pm. March 1st Battlement Mesa Health Fair 8:00am - 10:00am. April 5th Grand River Health Fair 8:00am - 11:00am. May 13th Mental Health Resource Fair 11:00am - 2:00pm. June 7th- 4th annual GRH Golf Tournament 8:00am - 4:00 pm. July 10 Women's Health Resource Fair 10am -1pm. April 16th Empty Bowls 12:00pm - 2:00pm. July 10th Women’s Heal

Mark your calendars for these Grand River Health events!


¡Marque sus calendarios para estos eventos de Grand River Health!

1 Bus driver and 8 students learning about bus safety

Stay seated, stay safe! Bus safety is no joke, so buckle up and enjoy the ride. G16 schools are thankful for Donna Nichols, G16 Bus Driver, who designed a bus safety program for our students! 


¡Permanezca sentado y manténgase a salvo! La seguridad en el autobús no es ninguna broma, así que abróchese el cinturón y disfrute del viaje. ¡Las escuelas G16 están agradecidas con Donna Nichols, conductora de autobús G16, quien diseñó un programa de seguridad en el autobús para nuestros estudiantes!

Lucas Cotto with his bulldog, smiling for a picture on a road.

Meet Lucas Cotto, a senior at Grand Valley High School. L-U-C-A-S if anyone wants to chant his name. He's been part of the community for more than 7 years now; he moved from Chicago, Illinois, to Colorado. He plays football for the Cardinals and does track and field. Things Lucas loves: conversations, old people, and a good chocolate ice cream. He's the new Public Information Intern, working alongside Nicole Loschke. His goals are to help improve public information, community events, and help high schoolers be more motivated to be part of the community.


Conozcan a Lucas Cotto, un estudiante en el 12vo grado de Grand Valley High School. L-U-C-A-S, si alguien quiere corear su nombre. Forma parte de la comunidad desde hace más de 7 años; se mudó de Chicago, Illinois, a Colorado. Juega fútbol americano para los Cardinals y practica atletismo. Las cosas que le encantan a Lucas: las conversaciones, las personas mayores y un buen helado de chocolate. Él es el nuevo Interno de Información Pública, trabajando junto a Nicole Loschke. Sus metas son ayudar a mejorar la información pública, eventos comunitarios y ayudar a los estudiantes de GVHS a estar más motivados para ser parte de la comunidad.

G16 School Board Meeting. Tuesday, February 11, 2025. 5:00 pm. 0460 Stone Quarry Road, Battlement Mesa, CO 81635

G16 School Board Meeting Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 5:00 pm. St. John's Administration Building. Agenda can be found online: or


Reunión de la Junta Escolar de G16 Martes, 11 de febrero de 2025 a las 5:00 pm. Edificio de la Administración de St. John. Agenda se puede encontrar en línea: o


GVHS weekly sports schedule, for full schedule, visit

GVHS' Weekly Winter Sports Schedule! Good luck Cardinals! 

Please note, we will be charging gate fees for GVHS home games. See the graphic below for pricing and purchase presale tickets here


Horario semanal de deportes de invierno de GVHS! ¡Buena suerte cardenales! 

Por favor, tenga en cuenta, vamos a cobrar cargos de puerta para los juegos a GVHS. Consulte el gráfico siguiente para ver los precios y compra boletos en preventa aquí.

Youth Fly Tying Class. 4 week program starting february 3rd until February 24th. Every Monday at 1pm. Grand Valley Recreation Center- Aspen Room. Free- must pre-register. Information and registration- call 970-285-9480. Brought to you by Grand Valley Anglers and Jerry Mohrlang, and Alpine Bank

Join us at the Battlement Mesa Recreation Center every Monday at 1:00 pm for a Free Fly Tying Class! For ages 6-17. Register here:


¡Únase a nosotros en el Centro Recreativo Battlement Mesa todos los lunes a la 1:00 pm para una clase gratuita de atado de moscas! Para edades de 6 a 17 años. Regístrese aquí:

Grand Valley Educational Foundation Save the Date! March 1, 2025. 21+ event. Mardi Gras Masquerade Poker Night. 7pm - 10pm. Battlement Mesa Recreation Center 398 Arroyo Drive, Battlement Mesa, CO 81635. Tickets include 3 hours of gambling, appetizers, and prizes.  $25 = 1 ticket. $45 = couples ticket.

The Grand Valley Educational Foundation is hosting a Mardi Gras Masquerade Poker Night! Saturday, March 1, 2025 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm at the Battlement Mesa Recreation Center! RSVP required, register here:


¡La Fundación Educativa Grand Valley está organizando una Noche de Póquer Mardi Gras Masquerade! Sábado, 1 de marzo de 2025 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm en el Centro de Recreación Battlement Mesa! RSVP requerido, regístrese aquí: